Many areas of the US where IENA exchange visitors live and work have limited public transportation. This can be difficult for participants accustomed to a car-free lifestyle and good public transportation options. In the US, there is no nationalized rail or bus network. However, there are ways to get around!
Lyft and Uber, both ride-sharing taxi companies, are popular with millennials. The cost, car, and driver preference can all be selected in advance. Drivers are rated, and the app will tell you exactly when to expect them and where they are en route. Payment can be made online in advance without cash, and tips aren’t expected! Ride sharing – car pooling with other passengers, is the cheapest option. Download the app or check out their websites to get a fare estimate.
Amtrak is the closest thing the US has to a public rail system. Amtrak offers scenic tourist trips and options for just getting from Point A to Point B. There are discounts for students in California, New York and in the Midwest. Plan your route here!
Greyhound bus lines criss cross the US. There’s free WiFi on every bus and power outlets in each seat. They also offer student discounts.
Don’t hesitate to ask an American colleague about local options in your area. IENA is also here to answer any questions you may have or help you plan your next adventure.
Happy travels!