IENA’s Commitment
Medical Insurance
All IENA participants are provided with full medical insurance. IENA’s Insurance Policy is underwritten by eSecutive. The Policy Number is 2025/191/1026/1574.
Before You Leave
Medical costs in America can reach astronomical proportions (We are talking the cost of a 4 bedroom home astronomical). Don’t worry, because medical insurance (up to 120 days) is included with your IENA application! Make sure you activate your insurance by carefully following the instructions above and read all information or it could impact your experience in a negative way. For example in the USA, you do not use an emergency room unless your illness or injury is serious or life threatening. If you do so, you could be charged up to $350.
You are covered for up to $500,000 in medical care. If you feel you need more coverage, you are welcome to purchase additional coverage independently.
All details on your insurance policy can also be found through your eSecutive account