For most of you at camp, the Summer of 2018 has ended. All the wonderful memories will be reflected in Camp Year books as well as the daily pictures and photos taken.
Some of you are on your travels, some of you are already back at school and some of you have joined the world of full time employment.
Not that long ago Camp Directors, Assistant Directors and year round staff used to take a breather and some well deserved time off. That still happens but the time span seems to be getting shorter and shorter. At this point, camps are already starting the process of preparing for the Summer of 2019.
The IENA team will take some take some time to review the 2018 Summer Camp season but at the same time we have already started the process of moving into the 2019 Summer Camp season. We have even started to receive applications from participants that are ultra keen to start the process!
So as we prepare to enter the middle of September, it is really “deja vu all over again”
Summer Camp 2019 is only 9 months away!!!!??? Are you ready?!